Donald John Trump, also known as Trump, is a politician and businessman. He is also a television personality. In the 2016 election, Donald Trump stands as a candidate for the Republican nomination for President of the United States of America. He entered real estate development due to the influence of his father, Fred Trump. Donald Trump has also found an organization known as The Trump Organization. In the year 2016, Donald Trump has gained popularity and has become an international celebrity. Donald Tramp is an important part of the GOP presidential race. The career of this man along with his outspoken manner and wealth had made him a conspicuous figure in the media.
Donald Trump has been in the headlines due to his announcement of his candidacy on June 16. The media coverage Donald Trump received a week before he announced his candidacy is a lot less than the coverage he got in the days after that. His announcement created a greater hype than any other candidate`s announcement. Moreover, the media coverage remained in him days later his announcement.
Donald Trump is believed to be in the media to drive his poll numbers. It is also believed that he aims to give the voters something new and exciting so that the decision the voters make on June 17 is in his favor. Every once in a while, he is bombarding the people with new stories about him.
Donald Trump has continued to be an important figure in the media. As he is a billionaire people enjoy listening to his fabulous and extravagant stories. He does not only stand as a billionaire businessman, but also a patriot who continues to speak his mind. Ordinary people in the United States also look forward to him. Furthermore, Donald Trump has a strong personality who doesn’t care what the critics will say about him. He is known for his outspoken personality. He is self promoting. Donald Trump is also reported to be simple. This makes him easy to understand by common people.
There are two common reasons why he receives the most media coverage. These reasons are, his politics and his personality. It is not just his ideas which continue to interest people, but also the way he conveys them. He delivers his message with power, which has always been the essence of political success.
Donald Trump keeps his answers simple. Even if he is wrong, he always sounds about right. He delivers his answers with full confidence that very few people are able to doubt him. His force of character is strong.
Moreover, at several occasions, Trump has talked about immigrants. A lot of people in the United States dislike immigrants. In this way, these people prove to provide him support due to the mutual views. Many of these people have been complaining about how they have to compete with the immigrants with higher degrees and experience. They blame immigrants for their poor jobs.
As a politician, the more the opponents of Donald Trump speak ill of him the more publicity he gets. People are sick of the same-old politics. They want to see something different. Donald Trump has grown immune to criticism. When the press or his opponents say something negative about him, it only makes him more popular.
Another reason, why Donald Trump has gained popularity is because he is fearless and he says what the people are afraid to say. He is often reported to have said things which are factually wrong. Due to his fierce and uncompromising personality, Donald Trump continues to get media coverage.