World of lies

Ads are like mosquitoes which interrupt us often in between our favorite TV shows. We are watching a live sports match and all of a sudden – Ad- appear. And what irritate the most are those Ads who are completely illogical baseless e.g. why they show women in a man’s shaving Ad what’s the need in that? Every woman wants to buy that same detergent which Waist Aram said in his Ad – it’s the best.

I sometimes wonder who make such stuff’s – Ad Why do they make it.

Have you noticed that Ad, when the husband comes from work with Ghee ka Dabba (Banaspati oil can) in his hands and his beautiful wife looks at her with purposeful eyes. I mean every guy wants that. What the big deal in that. Another one, the daughter-in-law is doing all the work and her mother-in-law is not happy with her and all of a sudden she makes sweets of a Brand and all of a sudden her mother-in-law starts praising her. What Stupidity! Its every one’s fantasy that young girls and boys starts dancing in front of him/her especially when a cup of tea is in hand. But dude! It isn’t reality. I often take tea at Chai Dhabba; even you have been there too. So tell honestly! Have you ever seen a group of young girls and boys dancing while you are having tea? What you hear afterwards is tea-boy yelling to the tea-counter “2 chai k paisa katoo”. Oh and the Ad of those youngsters who are playing cricket in streets all day long not even responding to their moms who want stuff for home and then dramatically when the same old boy arrives home at evening with a bottle of Cold-Drink (no names) the whole family start hugging, kissing him as if he has won the Cricket World Cup. Rubbish!

It doesn’t end here you will find senseless Corporate – Ad as well. Hehehehehe. The boss of a company operates an expensive mobile device which somehow is not functional, at the very same time his employee comes in which a cheap mobile (which actually is working at that time only) suggesting the boss to dump his mobile in the dustbin and purchase this one. And that is not the end, the boss get so much impressed that he marries her daughter with that guy. And everybody lives happily ever after. Wow! The big mobile companies who make phones for billions as if don’t know the basic functionality of phone or they say to the clients well sir our phone don’t make calls apart from that it do everything.

There are other Ads as well like the one in which the woman went to buy one washing powder and ends up buying two giving her enough saving to buy gold ornaments afterwards. The health experts who visits your house and often touches the washroom flush with naked hands after and before applying the bathroom detergent exclaiming at the end that this one is the best (their detergent what else you thought). Where on earth you come to see that particular Car Ad in which the hot angry wife waiting furiously for her late arriving husband, all of a sudden calms down when she see him in the car and they went for long drive immediately.

I think, it’s all false and lies. We are actually caught in the Spell of Ad World. Even in the spell of those people who show such stuffs on the box (yeah TV). All they show is bunch of lies, lies which we see everywhere in the society, in every profession. That’s why in Ad world as well. What they show to us is illogical and baseless.

I don’t trust these Ad’s a bit. It all happened when men skin whitening beauty cream entered the market. So I happily went to purchase it. The shopkeeper instead of handing me over what I demanded. He turn himself towards one of his salesman who was pure black black and inquired “what have you been using for the past 6 months?” then he turns towards me and suggest me to go home it’s all Ad nothing real.

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